Safe Spaces for Young People

Safe Spaces for Young People is a network of drop-in Youth Projects across Birmingham that provide a safe space for young people to gather every week, where young people can feel welcome, connect, participate and build positive relationships.
The concept came out of gatherings of local youth workers wanting to resource & increase the youth provision across the city. The vision is for every neighbourhood to have a space where young people feel safe to connect.
Each Safe Space will be different depending on its context, and the space could be a building, park, sports club or MUGA (multi use games area).
Led by a development group of youth work practitioners, the network is held together by core values and principles to which each Safe Space signs up. The network has Christian roots but aims to be an inclusive network to any project who agree with the vision and sign up to the core values and principles.
Each Safe Space has a Coordinator, connecting with other local Safe Spaces and being part of the wider network.
- Do you have an existing drop-in style activity for young people and would be interested in joining the Safe Spaces network?
- Do you have a community building and/or volunteers and would be interested in setting up a new Safe Space?
- Are you part of an organisation who may value youth work training for workers/volunteers? Do you have links to people who might value connecting with a Safe Space?
If so find out more and get in touch using the buttons below.