BMSP Celebrates
On Tuesday 27th September Bournville Parish Church kindly hosted our Body Mind Spirit Partnership 'Celebration of Partnership'.

The church was filled with BMSP participants, BMSP Development Practitioners, along with guests from Birmingham City Council Adult Social Care, local community organisations and friends of BMSP.
Thrive CEO Fred Rattley opened proceedings, sharing his delight at the work of BMSP and remarking that, “none of this is a ‘done to’ model”
We were privileged to be joined by Professor Graeme Betts CBE, Strategic Director of Adult Social Care, Birmingham City Council, who spoke about the journey the partnership and the council have been on together. He praised BMSP for being an “exemplary partner” with a “strength-based approach - based on what people can do rather than what they can’t”
Jo Bagby, BMSP Lead, shared the story of the development of BMSP, including the refining of our model.

ENCOUNTER - noticing and meeting older people in our neighbourhoods, sharing an invitation to participate in local activity and grow relationships
PARTICIPATION - older people develop trust by actively participating in local activity that matters to them
MUTUALITY - older people grow relationships of mutual benefit that move beyond activities and increase their social connectedness

We heard some beautiful stories of the impact BMSP has had on participants, we shared food and friendship as people met up with old friends and met new and we had the chance to browse the lovely displays created by our partnership organisations.
However, the main reason for the day was to celebrate our participants! Each participant was given a card with a personal message inside from their Development Practitioner. Without our participants there would be no Body Mind Spirit Partnership.
We could not do what we do without them, and it was a privilege to have the opportunity to appreciate and celebrate them in this way.