#FeedBirmingham extends food collections throughout June as demand continues to rise
Today, Friday 29 May, Thrive Together Birmingham, Edgbaston Foundation and West Midlands Police announced they will continue to collect food to help #feedbirmingham throughout June.

The organisations have been working together over the past month to collect over 1,800 bags of food from in and around Birmingham to bolster supplies at foodbanks and food distributers across the City. Foodbanks and other food distribution organisations have seen a doubling in people accessing their services during the COVID19 pandemic and more food is needed. Every week food providers all over Birmingham are contacted by Thrive Together Birmingham to see where there is the greatest need and the food is delivered to them by volunteers.
Fred Rattley, CEO of Thrive Together Birmingham, said: “Thank you to everyone who has donated food to help us #feedbirmingham over the past three weeks. But as demand is continuing to grow at foodbanks it’s not too late to help.
“Could you organise food collections on your street to help those in need? You can either deliver your donation to your local foodbank or bring your donation to St Mary and St Ambrose Church, Pershore Road, on Fridays between 11 and 2. If you need someone to collect your donation please contact us and we will arrange for someone to come and pick up it up from your home.”
Edgbaston Stadium has donated its Exhibition Hall to be used as a central food storage and distribution centre, which all collections are delivered to before being repackaged and sent on to local food banks and community groups.
Ravi Masih, Head of Community Engagement at Warwickshire County Cricket Club and Lead of the Edgbaston Foundation, said: “More than 22 Club staff have joined together with some members of the Warwickshire playing squad on our Tuesday repackaging and Friday sorting and storage volunteer shifts, which we started three weeks ago through this partnership with Thrive Together Birmingham.
“Whilst it’s a small part to play in the bigger picture of the COVID-19 outbreak, we’re thrilled that our community response can lend a helping hand, with more than £8,000 of food sorted and repackaged for those in need.
“We’re delighted to be able to support our near neighbours, including Sparkhill Food Bank, Anawim, and St. Basils, but also because of the volume of donations that our support has been extended right across all parts of the city.”
Volunteers working with West Midlands Police are supporting Thrive by collecting food from those who cannot bring it to the donation point in person:
Police Sergeant Michele Birch from West Midlands Police said: “At the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis, West Midlands Police were overwhelmed by the wonderful offers of help from members of the public. So many people wanted to genuinely help others less fortunate than themselves it was heart-warming.
“Our volunteers have carried out four tasks to help the vulnerable members of our community and recently we have been delighted to team up with Thrive Together Birmingham to help collect food donations for those most in need.
“Our volunteers are either collecting food outside of their own homes or they are collecting the parcels from other volunteers and taking them to the collections point for us, we even have some of our volunteers doing both! If anyone would like further information with regards to helping us, they can email us at: CP_BHAM_VOLUNTEERS@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk”
- Approximately £19,000 worth of food (retail value) has been donated to #feedbirmingham over the past three weeks.
- That’s approx. 5.25 tonnes of food
- And over 22,000 items
- Filling 1,800 bags of shopping
- Food has been delivered to food banks and emergency food distributors all over the city including Sparkhill, Balsall Heath, Erdington, Yardley, Ward End, Northfield, Highgate, Druids Heath, Winson Green, Garetts Green, as well as to specialist groups such as Brum Baby Bank, The Active Welbeing Society, ANAWIM and St. Basil’s.